Black Males Overlooked in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials - EMJ

Black Males Overlooked in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

BLACK males have the highest incidence and mortality rates for prostate cancer in the USA, but their participation in clinical trials remains disproportionately low. A recent survey by the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) explores the barriers contributing to this underrepresentation, providing critical insights into the reasons Black men are not engaging in clinical trials.

Out of 480 PHEN members contacted, 115 (24.0%) responded to the survey. Respondents were diverse in age, geography, education, and socioeconomic status. A total of 58 respondents (50.4%) reported a family history of prostate cancer, but only 12 (10.4%) had participated in a prostate cancer clinical trial.

The most common reason for non-participation included respondents not being asked to join a clinical trial (55.1%), followed by a lack of information regarding the risks and benefits of participating (13.5%). Interestingly, no respondents cited a lack of trust in healthcare due to personal experiences, though two respondents (2.2%) referenced historical events such as the Tuskegee Study.

Looking ahead, respondents indicated that they would be more inclined to participate in clinical trials if they perceived the treatment or diagnostic option to be effective (54.5%), if it offered potential to advance medical science (45.5%), or if it involved minimal side effects (44.4%).

The authors call for increased collaboration between patients, healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and clinical trial investigators. Proactively engaging Black males in clinical trials is essential to ensure more representative research and improved outcomes for this high-risk group.

Ada Enesco, EMJ


Crawford K et al. Identification of factors affecting the accrual of black males into prostate cancer clinical trials in the united states. Urol Pract. 2025;12(1):51-61.

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