Menthol Cigarettes Carry Higher Mortality Risk Compared to Non-Menthol - European Medical Journal Menthol Cigarettes Carry Higher Mortality Risk Compared to Non-Menthol - AMJ

Menthol Cigarettes Carry Higher Mortality Risk Compared to Non-Menthol

SMOKING menthol-flavored cigarettes is associated with higher mortality risks compared to non-menthol cigarettes according to a new study. The research analyzed data from the Cancer Prevention Study-II, a prospective cohort study that enrolled 969,349 individuals between 1982 and 1983, with a 6-year mortality follow-up.

The study reported that among former smokers, those who had predominantly smoked menthol cigarettes exhibited a 12% increase in all-cause mortality, a 16% rise in cardiovascular disease mortality, a 13% increase in ischemic heart disease mortality, and a 43% surge in mortality from other heart diseases, compared to those who smoked non-menthol cigarettes. For current smokers, no significant difference in mortality risks was observed between menthol and non-menthol cigarette users, except among individuals smoking 40 or more cigarettes per day. Notably, Black individuals currently smoking menthol cigarettes faced an 88% higher mortality risk from other heart diseases compared to their non-menthol smoking counterparts.

These findings provide compelling evidence supporting the regulation of menthol-flavored cigarettes in the United States and similar policies in low- and middle-income countries. The study emphasizes that, despite the type of cigarette, cessation remains the most effective strategy to reduce disease risk.

Reference: Bandi P et al. Association of menthol-flavoured cigarette smoking with all-cause and cause-specific mortality risk. Tob Control. 2025. doi: 10.1136/tc-2024-059020.

Anaya Malik | AMJ

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