Allergic Rhinitis Medication May Improve Asthma Control - EMJ

Allergic Rhinitis Medication May Improve Asthma Control

A SYSTEMATIC review of 33 randomised controlled trials has found that conventional treatments for allergic rhinitis (AR) may also improve asthma outcomes in patients with both conditions.  

Asthma and AR frequently coexist, and controlling AR symptoms has been linked to better asthma management. The study analysed data from trials published up to October 2024, compared the effects of antihistamines (AH), corticosteroids, and leukotriene receptor antagonists (LRA) on asthma symptoms and quality of life (QoL). The review included studies from major medical databases, with six exclusively paediatric trials and 17 including both children and adults. The authors evaluated objective asthma outcomes (OAO), such as lung function measures, and subjective asthma outcomes (SAO), including self-reported symptoms. 

Key findings revealed that antihistamines and corticosteroids showed a positive effect on asthma outcomes, with antihistamines demonstrating the strongest impact. Five studies reported significant and clinically relevant improvements in QoL, while four showed improvements in OAO. However, SAO did not show clinically meaningful improvements across the trials. 

LRAs failed to produce significant improvements in asthma symptoms, and when compared to corticosteroids, they were found to be less effective. Studies involving antihistamines reported more frequent improvements in both OAO and SAO than those using corticosteroids. These results suggest that antihistamines and corticosteroids may play a role in optimising asthma management for patients with coexisting AR, while LRAs appear to offer little benefit. 

The study highlights the importance of addressing AR in asthma management, as treating AR symptoms with antihistamines or corticosteroids may lead to measurable improvements in lung function and QoL. Further research is needed to refine treatment strategies for patients with both conditions.  

Ada Enesco, EMJ 


Tameeris E et al. The effect of allergic rhinitis treatment on asthma control: a systematic review. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2025;35(1):4.  

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