Real-World Data Sheds Light on Alzheimer’s Biomarker Strategies - European Medical Journal Real-World Data Sheds Light on Alzheimer’s Biomarker Strategies - AMJ

Real-World Data Sheds Light on Alzheimer’s Biomarker Strategies

ACCURATELY diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may soon become more efficient, thanks to a novel biomarker assessment strategy leveraging cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and PET imaging data, according to a 10-year study conducted at university memory clinics in Europe. This dual-cutoff approach could streamline decisions about Aβ status, a key indicator of AD pathology, and support early use of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs).

The study, which examined over 500 patients from Ludwig Maximilian University and the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, identified critical thresholds for CSF Aβ42/40 ratios. A ratio of 7.1% or higher strongly predicted negative PET scans, with a 94.3% negative predictive value. Importantly, patients in the borderline range (5.5% to 7.1%) showed significant benefit from follow-up PET imaging, with 44% to 52% testing positive for amyloid beta deposits.

This two-cutoff method allows clinicians to efficiently stratify patients and make informed decisions about whether to pursue PET imaging according to the study authors. The algorithm holds promise for guiding timely DMT interventions, particularly in those with ambiguous CSF results.

Reference: Brendel M et al. Aβ status assessment in a hypothetical scenario prior to treatment with disease-modifying therapies: Evidence from 10-year real-world experience at university memory clinics. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2024;16:e70031.

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