Whole Spectrum of Natural Progression of Haemangioblastoma Seen Within a Single Patient: A Very Rare Case Report and Literature Review - European Medical Journal

Whole Spectrum of Natural Progression of Haemangioblastoma Seen Within a Single Patient: A Very Rare Case Report and Literature Review

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*Sunil Munakomi, Binod Bhattarai

The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

EMJ Neurol. ;4[1]:96-100. DOI/10.33590/emjneurol/10313196. https://doi.org/10.33590/emjneurol/10313196.
Haemangioblastoma (HB), progression, management

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This paper reports a rare case of sporadic variation of haemangioblastoma (HB) presenting as multiple lesions within the posterior fossa. A whole spectrum of radiological variants of HB were seen during its natural progression in one patient. A discussion of the management algorithm taken while managing this case is provided, and there is also a literature review to outline current insights on such a rare epiphenomenon.

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