This interactive case study explores the instance of a 58-year-old male with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease and comorbidities, including obesity. The case study delves into the patient’s medical history, disease progression, and treatment regimens over the course of many years, allowing the reader to experience the patient journey from diagnosis through to the initiation and discontinuation of different treatments.
Exploring case presentation, treatment aims, recommendations for disease management, and patient outcomes, this interactive case study provides an immersive educational tool through which the user can test their clinical understanding, and consider the next steps in the patient timeline before they are revealed.

This presentation was part of a symposium that took place on 17th June 2023, as part of the European Renal Association (ERA) 60th Congress.
Chairperson: Smeeta Sinha1
Speakers: Jan Kielstein,2 Maria Jesus Lloret3
1. Department of Renal Medicine, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK
2. Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology and Blood Purification, Academic Teaching Hospital Braunschweig, Germany
3. Dialysis Unit, Fundació Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain
Disclosure: The speakers received fees from Vifor Pharma.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the named authors.
Support: The publication of this feature was supported and reviewed by Vifor Pharma.
Watch Jan Kielstein’s talk ‘Importance of early and effective treatment of SHPT in non-dialysis CKD patients’ from ERA 2023 below.
Do you know why it’s so important to diagnose and treat secondary hyperparathyroidism early? In Kielstein’s presentation, he goes through a patient case study to illustrate this point as well as other recommendations for optimal management. He discusses the treatment landscape for non-dialysis CKD and demonstrates how different treatment options can alter the different aspects of this condition.
Find out more below.
CKD: chronic kidney disease
HQ-NA-2300114 | August 2023