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Bringing the Benefits of High-Dose Haemodialysis to the Home with a Novel Haemodialysis System
18 Jul 2014
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- Chairperson:
Pieter ter Wee1
- Speakers:
Chris McIntyre,2 Tom Cornelis,3 Bruce Culleton4
- Disclosure:
Pieter ter Wee and Chris McIntyre have received research funding, speaking honoraria, and consulting fees from Baxter. Tom Cornelis has received research funding and speaking honoraria from Baxter. Bruce Culleton is an employee of Baxter Healthcare.
- Acknowledgements:
Writing assistance provided by Dr Saroshi Amirthalingam.
- Support:
The publication of this article was funded by Baxter Healthcare. The views and opinions ex- pressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of Baxter Healthcare.
- Citation:
- EMJ Nephrol. 2014;1[1]:37-44. DOI/10.33590/emjnephrol/10310212.
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