The sponsor of the below article (Pfizer, Inc) requested its retraction in accordance with their internal compliance requirements following an update to the Summary of Product Characteristics and prescribing information (PI). The article is no longer approved for use in its current format. The PI has been removed from the acknowledgments section of the metadata of this article, as it has been updated since its original publication.
Retracted: Building on a Strong Foundation to Address a New Era to Help Protect Against Pneumococcal Disease

- Chairperson:
Antoni Torres1
- Speakers:
Mário Ramirez,2,3 Charles Feldman,4 Wendy Watson5
- Disclosure:
Torres has received honoraria for speaking engagements or advisory roles for Atriva Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, MSD, Menarini, and Pfizer. Ramirez has received fees for Pfizer speaker bureaus, GlaxoSmithKline expert panels, and Merck Sharp & Dohme speaker bureaus and expert panels. Feldman has received honoraria for speaking engagements or advisory roles for MSD and Pfizer. Watson is a Pfizer employee and holds stock/stock options. The studies in this presentation were funded by Pfizer.
- Acknowledgements:
Writing assistance was provided by International Meetings & Science (IMsci), Stamford, Connecticut, USA.
- Support:
The symposium and publication of this article were funded by Pfizer, Inc. The views and opinions expressed are exclusively those of the speakers.
- Citation:
Each article is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 License.