Microbiology Testing and Its Role in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance and in Assuring the Best Patient Outcomes - European Medical Journal

Microbiology Testing and Its Role in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance and in Assuring the Best Patient Outcomes

EMG-Health | Bonus Episodes

This EMG Health podcast explores the vital role that microbiology testing will play in countering the impending challenge that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents. Featuring expert opinions from Jean Patel and Fabienne Wichmann, this podcast highlights the emergence of AMR, potential harms AMR may engender, and the varied rates of AMR seen between regions and countries.

The role of Microbiology in solving the threat of the Antimicrobial resistance

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Development and implementation of new antibiotics and treatments

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In-Vitro Diagnostics market regulations – Global and European perspective

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