Want the Opportunity to Design a Front Cover for EMJ? - European Medical Journal

Want the Opportunity to Design a Front Cover for EMJ?

Calling all creative people: photographers, painters, and potters alike. Are you an artist looking to create something engaging, something original, something…interesting?

Following the success of our collaboration with the brilliant Ms Camila Carlow, whose majestic artwork graced the front covers of our EMJ UrologyEMJ HepatologyEMJ Cardiology, EMJ Respiratory, and EMJ Oncology eJournals published from January to June of this year, we are reaching outside of the box once again to find a new artist for our four mixed therapeutic area eJournals, which will be newly launched in 2016.

This year, we briefly departed from our monument-themed front covers in exchange for Ms Carlow’s astonishing artwork, which featured models of human organs made entirely from flowers and fruit. The idea for these beautiful pieces, described as “a happy marriage between education and the aesthetically pleasing”, was derived from the feeling of enchantment that the artist herself felt in relation to the intricacy of the biological structures sheathed within us. At the same time, she was inspired, not just by the charming landscapes that surrounded her during her upbringing in Guatemala, but also by the tenacity of the natural structures that thrive in urban environments.

The European Medical Journal has never been conventional, and we are always on the lookout for the exceptional. Thus, we are launching a search for an extraordinary artist who is willing to take on the challenge of creating the front covers of our first four European Medical Journal eJournals. Each of these eJournals will span across all 15 of the therapeutic areas we cover, from respiratory medicine to gastroenterology and beyond, so you have the creative freedom to explore any/all of these themes on each of your covers. Intrigued? If so, contact our lovely product development team on [email protected] for more details (dimensions, etc) by 21st December, and submit your work by 31st December. We will announce the winner early in the new year. Bonne chance!

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