Virtual Reality: A New Treatment Modality – Part 2 - European Medical Journal

Virtual Reality: A New Treatment Modality – Part 2

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 206

Is social media a force for good or evil? Find out in this week’s podcast episode, where Jonathan and Brennan Spiegel, Director of Health Services Research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center explore AI and social media, before discussing irritable bowel syndrome and the gastro-intestinal manifestations of COVID-19.

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Speaker bio:

Brennan Spiegel currently practices clinical medicine and is involved with academic teaching. He currently holds several roles at Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, USA, including Director of Health Services Research; he also is the Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Health Delivery Science, the George and Dorothy Gourrich Chair in Digital Health Ethics, and Director of the Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CS-CORE). Brennan has been listed as an Onalytica “Top 100 Influencer” and his work has been recognised by many major media.

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