Difficult-to-Treat: Treating Symptoms Not Numbers - European Medical Journal

Difficult-to-Treat: Treating Symptoms Not Numbers

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 124

This week, Jonathan is joined by Nebojsa Skrepnik, the Director of Research at Tucson Orthopaedic Institute Research Center in Arizona, USA. They discuss Skrepnik’s career, how he ended up in the USA, and opening his own clinical research centre. The use of cobalt and chromium in prosthetics is also discussed, as well as how difficult-to-treat conditions such as tennis elbow can be treated with platelet-rich plasma.

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Speaker bio:

Nebojsa Skrepnik was born in the former Yugoslavia and achieved his MD from the University of Belgrade Medical School, Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia). After studying in the USA at the LSU Medical School, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, and working at the Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, he obtained his Master’s degree and PhD in clinical pharmacology. While At LSU Medical School, he completed his four-year residency programme.

Skrepnik has talents outside of medicine. He is a keen tennis player and a skilled painter, having had two art exhibitions in Serbia. Skrepnik is also a translator, having translated Arthur C. Guyton’s classic textbook of physiology into his native tongue.

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