Hema Now: Episode 5: The Hidden Impact of Blood Disorders on Brain Health - European Medical Journal

Hema Now: Episode 5: The Hidden Impact of Blood Disorders on Brain Health


Hema Now | Episode 5

In this episode of Hema Now, Jonathan Sackier welcomes Christopher Patriquin, a leading expert in the field of hematology and rare diseases. With a wealth of experience in teaching, consulting, clinical research, and hosting excellent dinner parties, Patriquin’s discussion sheds light on many fascinating topics.

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Speaker bio: 

Christopher Patriquin headshot

Patriquin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of hematology and rare diseases. Along with his medical degree, Christopher holds a bachelor’s degree in health sciences, and a master’s degree in health research methodology, specialising in clinical epidemiology.

Currently, Patriquin serves as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology at the University of Toronto, Canada, and is a Consultant in Hematology and Apheresis Medicine with the University Health Network and Sinai Health Systems in Toronto, Canada. He plays a pivotal role in clinical research into rare diseases, particularly those linked to apheresis medicine and complement-mediated diseases and has established specialised clinics with the hope of advancing care in rare diseases.


  • 00:00 – Introduction
  • 02:00 – Dogs and dinner parties
  • 05:23 – Diagnosing and treating rare diseases
  • 09:42 – Cognitive decline in TTP survivors
  • 13:01 – Complement component 3 PNH therapy
  • 16:04 – Importance of apheresis medicine
  • 23:34 – The International PNH Registry
  • 26:52 – Developments in hematology
  • 28:56 – Equity and equality in access to care
  • 31:25 – Christopher’s three wishes

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