Coeliac Disease Risk Drops with High-Fibre Diet in Infants-EMJ

Coeliac Disease Risk Drops with High-Fibre Diet in Infants

A HIGH-FIBRE diet in infancy may significantly reduce the risk of developing coeliac disease, according to a new observational study from Lund University, Sweden. Researchers analysed data from 6,500 children in the TEDDY cohort, following their diets and health outcomes from birth to at least 13 years old.

The study found that children who consumed more fibre between 6 and 12 months old had a nearly 40% lower risk of developing coeliac disease compared to those with lower fibre intake. Interestingly, the type of fibre, whether from fruits, vegetables, grains, or legumes, did not matter, suggesting that overall fibre intake plays a crucial role.

“This is the first time fibre intake in children’s diets has been linked to coeliac disease risk,” said Elin Hård af Segerstad, a paediatric dietitian and researcher at Lund University. She noted that while the findings are promising, a clinical trial is needed to confirm the connection before dietary recommendations can be made.

The protective effect of fibre was most pronounced before age one and still present, though weaker, up to age two. Beyond that, fibre intake no longer appeared to influence disease risk. Researchers believe early gut microbiota development could be a key factor, as fibre may help strengthen the immune system and gut barrier.

With over 7% of children in the study developing coeliac disease, these findings suggest that early childhood nutrition could play a vital role in prevention. However, further clinical trials are necessary to validate the results before public health recommendations can be made.

Aleksandra Zurowska, EMJ


Hård af Segerstad EM et al. TEDDY Study Group. Early Dietary Fiber Intake Reduces Celiac Disease Risk in Genetically Prone Children: Insights from the TEDDY study. Gastroenterol. 2025;DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2025.01.241.

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