Importance of Timely and Accurate Diagnosis of Myotonic Disorders: Role of Electromyography - European Medical Journal

Importance of Timely and Accurate Diagnosis of Myotonic Disorders: Role of Electromyography

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This content was funded by Lupin Neurosciences.

The content of this infographic is based on satellite symposia hosted by Lupin Neurosciences at the 13th International Congress of Paediatric EMG (La Baule, France, 13th–15th November, 2023), and the Myology 2024 International Congress (Paris, France, 22nd–25th April, 2024), recordings of which can be accessed here. Symposium content was developed by Yann Péréon, Nantes, France; Emma Matthews, London, UK; and Valeria Sansone, Milan, Italy.

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