Agar Art and Biosensor Breakthroughs - European Medical Journal

Agar Art and Biosensor Breakthroughs

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 212

Jonathan and Maria Eugenia Inda, Pew Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Synthetic Biology Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, discuss the latest developments in microbiome research and their potential applications in personalised health, as well as the fascinating world of agar art.

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Speaker bio:

Maria Eugenia Inda is a Pew Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Synthetic Biology Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Her academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology at the National University of Rosario, Argentina. Building upon this foundation, she pursued a PhD in Bacterial Genetics and Physiology, before completing her postdoctoral training in bBioengineering at the National University of Rosario, under the guidance of Dr Larisa Cybulski. In 2017 she was chosen for a prestigious Pew Fellowship at MIT. Her current research is focused on building biosensors to diagnose and treat inflammatory disorders in the gut, such as inflammatory bowel disease and coeliac disease.

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