The Importance of Ultrasound in Rheumatology - European Medical Journal

The Importance of Ultrasound in Rheumatology


The EMJ Podcast | Bonus Episode

This Podcast, hosted by Brigitte Scott, explores the important role ultrasound has in Rheumatology. Join experts Lene Terslev, Chief Consultant in Rheumatology at Rigshospitalet, and Professor of Rheumatology at Copenhagen University, Denmark, and Esperanza Naredo, Rheumatologist and Associate Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, as they discuss their experiences and expertise in using ultrasound in their daily practice, how ultrasound enhances the clinical care they provide, and the benefits of using this technique for their patients.

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This podcast was supported by GE Healthcare. The views and opinions of the speakers are not necessarily of GE Healthcare or EMJ.

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