Recombinant Allergens in Diagnosis and Therapy of Allergic Diseases - European Medical Journal

Recombinant Allergens in Diagnosis and Therapy of Allergic Diseases

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Alessandra Scaparrotta,1 Anna Cingolani,1 Marina Attanasi,1 Marzia Cerasa,1 Rita Nigro,1 Sabrina Di Pillo,1 Francesco Chiarelli2

No potential conflict of interest.

EMJ Respir. ;1[1]:101-107. DOI/10.33590/emjrespir/10313799.
Recombinant allergens, allergy, diagnosis, immunotherapy

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The component-resolved diagnosis use in routine clinical and laboratory practice has increased in recent years. Recombinant allergens can be produced with high purity by using controlled procedures, obtaining molecules with known molecular, immunologic, and biological characteristics; they can help clinicians to treat patients with multiple pollen sensitisations. Recombinant allergens are useful in respiratory allergies such as: grass pollen, birch pollen, parietaria pollen, olive pollen, and dermatophagoides in food allergies, especially milk, eggs and peanuts. Recombinant allergens constitute an important tool in diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases, which allows a better characterisation of the allergic patient.

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