The Role of JAK2 Mutation in Thrombotic Complications of Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms - European Medical Journal

The Role of JAK2 Mutation in Thrombotic Complications of Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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*Viola M. Popov,1 Minodora Onisai,2 Mihaela Găman,2 Ana Maria Vladareanu2

No potential conflict of interest.

EMJ Hema. ;1[1]:106-113. DOI/10.33590/emjhematol/10311605.
Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm, JAK2V617F mutation, thrombosis, leuko-platelet microaggregates.

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Patients diagnosed with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) often develop thrombotic events as an onset of symptoms or in evolution. The pathogenesis of thrombosis in patients with MPN is multifactorial. There are multiple prognostic score systems, but the presence of JAK2V617F (JAK2) mutation is an independent and strong thrombosis risk factor. Patients with MPN and JAK mutational status usually associate thrombocytosis, increased immature circulating platelets, and leukocytosis, with increased expression of CD62P and CD14, increased levels of circulating microparticles and leuko-platelet microaggregates, and altered endothelial function. This review aims to discuss different factors contributing to the increased thrombotic risk in association with JAK2 mutational status. Also, recent reports incriminate this mutation to have a possible role in spontaneous loss of pregnancy.

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