Are You Sitting Comfortably?: The Power of Storytelling – Part 1 - European Medical Journal

Are You Sitting Comfortably?: The Power of Storytelling – Part 1

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 145

This episode explores the challenges encountered in different healthcare settings and how storytelling can help promote wellbeing in the workplace. Lalith Wijedoru , consultant emergency paediatrician and Founder of Behind Your Mask, UK, joins Jonathan to discuss the power of storytelling within the workplace to facilitate emotional wellbeing. Wijedoru delves into the prevalence of burnout following the COVID-19 pandemic, and also speaks about working in low-resource healthcare settings across Asia.

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Speaker bio:

Lalith Wijedoru is a graduate of University College London (UCL) Medical School, UK. He trained in paediatrics in and around Sheffield Children’s Hospital, UK, and Oxford School of Paediatrics, UK, and completed sub-specialist training in Paediatric Emergency Medicine in London. Wijedoru is the founder of Behind Your Mask, which focuses on the power of storytelling to enhance human connection and emotional wellbeing in the workplace, and is an award-winning facilitator for these sessions. He and his team won the staff engagement award from the Health Services Journal Awards 2020, and the most powerful storytelling round at the Point of Care Foundation Schwartz Awards 2021. In his free time, Wijedoru enjoys yoga, fitness, walking, and music.

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