Driving Dermatology Research - European Medical Journal

Driving Dermatology Research

The EMJ Podcast | Episode 112

This week, Our latest podcast features Robert Dellavalle, Professor of Dermatology, Colorado School of Medicine, Professor of Public Health at the Colorado School of Public Health, and physician at the University of Colorado Hospital, all based in Aurora, Colorado, USA. Dellavalle and our host, Jonathan Sackier, discuss all things dermatology, from different skin conditions to community outreach programmes and the rise of telemedicine.

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Speaker Bio

Robert Dellavalle, Professor of Dermatology, Colorado School of Medicine, Professor of Public Health at the Colorado School of Public Health, and physician at the University of Colorado Hospital, all based in Aurora, Colorado, USA. He also works as Dermatology Service Chief, Department of Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Denver, USA.

Dellavalle completed his PhD in molecular genetics at the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA, after studying for degrees in the field of philosophy. He is a member of the Association of Professors of Dermatology, the American Dermatological Association, and the Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society.

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