Multiplex Component-Based Allergy Diagnostics - European Medical Journal

Multiplex Component-Based Allergy Diagnostics

Luebeck, Germany, July 17, 2018

In vitro assays for specific IgE based on purified allergen components (defined partial allergen diagnostics, DPA-Dx) provide in-depth characterisation of allergic reactions, allowing discrimination of primary sensitisations from cross reactions, as well as differentiation of high-risk and low-risk reactions. This accurate diagnosis is essential for selecting the most suitable specific immunotherapy and for assessing the risk of severe complications such as anaphylaxis. In the case of food allergies, identification of the precise allergy trigger can prevent patients from needlessly restricting their diet.

The EUROLINE DPA-Dx system provides multiparameter detection of specific IgE against key components from different allergen sources. Profiles are targeted to particular applications, for example peanut, insect venoms, paediatric food allergies, pollens and Mediterranean-specific inhalation allergens. Each profile contains a combination of species-specific marker molecules and cross-reactive panallergens for highly differentiated diagnostics.

The EUROLINE tests are simple to perform, with a choice of protocols for different requirements. For example, the time-optimised protocol yields results in less than three hours, while the volume-optimised protocol requires only small serum volumes, e.g. 100 µl, making it ideal for use in paediatrics. Each test strip contains an indicator band to verify correct performance of the test and a band of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) to aid interpretation of positive results. Results are evaluated and archived automatically using the EUROLineScan software and issued in standardised EAST classes.

The EUROLINE DPA-Dx Pediatrics 1 profile, for example, provides detailed diagnostics of the most common food allergies in childhood, by combining the most relevant partial allergens from milk, egg and peanut in one multiplex test. Reactions to heat-stable components of milk or egg indicate a persistent sensitisation to the corresponding food. Reactions to heat-sensitive components on the other hand indicate a possible tolerance of cooked or processed forms of the food. The peanut section of the assay allows differentiation of true peanut allergy from pollen-associated cross reactions. Reactions to peanut-specific seed storage and lipid transfer proteins are associated with a high risk of a severe allergic reaction, while reactions with panallergens present in both peanut and pollen indicate a low risk. Thus, the assay provides essential support for patient risk assessment and dietary management.


Notes to Editors

For more information contact:

  • EUROIMMUN AG, Seekamp 31, 23560 Luebeck, Germany
    Tel: +49 451 58550
    Fax: +49 451 5855591
    E-mail: [email protected]

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