US authorises waiver for life-saving humanitarian assistance - European Medical Journal

US authorises waiver for life-saving humanitarian assistance

Words by GOLD Newsdesk

Marco Rubio, US Secretary of State, has authorised an “Emergency Humanitarian Waiver” that ensures continued access to HIV treatment funded by the US across 55 countries. 

This waiver follows the recent announcement by the US Department of State of an immediate 90-day funding pause on all foreign assistance. The executive order instituting this pause was among the first major foreign policy decisions of the new administration, aimed at assessing efficiencies and alignment with US foreign policy.  

The newly approved waiver permits the continuation or resumption of “life-saving humanitarian assistance”, according to Rubio’s statement, encompassing core pharmaceutical products, medical services and essential supplies required for effective delivery of health services. 

More than 20 million people living with HIV, representing two-thirds of all individuals receiving HIV treatment globally, are supported by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) – support which is now allowed to continue under the waiver. 

UNAIDS welcomes this waiver from the US government which ensures that millions of people living with HIV can continue to receive life-saving HIV medication during the assessment of US foreign development assistance,” stated Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, UNAIDS, in a press release. “This urgent decision recognises PEPFAR’s critical role in the AIDS response and restores hope to people living with HIV.” 

While Rubio’s update is good news for USAIDS-supported aid groups, the US Secretary of State ended his statement by reinforcing that “this resumption is temporary in nature, and with limited exceptions as needed to continue life-saving humanitarian assistance programs”. This suggests that the issue is far from settled.  

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