THE RELATIONSHIP between sleep quality and glycaemic control is increasingly recognised as crucial in managing diabetes, particularly in geriatric populations. A recent study aimed to explore the impact of sleep quality on glycaemic control among geriatric patients recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (T2D). The findings highlight that poor sleep quality is associated with worse glycaemic control.
The cross sectional study included 193 geriatric patients (>60 years) recently diagnosed with T2D (in the last 24 months). The participants were divided into two groups: those with poor sleep quality (PSQ) (n=132) and those with adequate sleep quality (ASQ) (n=61). Sleep quality was evaluated using a specially developed questionnaire, and glycaemic control was measured through fasting blood glucose, HbA1c levels, and the number of hospital admissions due to severe hypoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic episodes.
The results revealed significant differences between the two groups. The PSQ group experienced notably worse sleep outcomes compared to the ASQ group, including longer sleep latency (35 min±9.2 min vs 15 min±6.4 min), shorter sleep duration (5 h 42 min±48 min vs 7 h 18 min±56 min), and a higher use of sleep medications (72% of group vs 22%). Glycaemic control, measured by HbA1c level, was poorer in the PSQ group (8.7±1.9 vs 7.2±1.2; p=0.03). Furthermore, the PSQ group had a higher frequency of severe hypoglycaemic (35±1.4 vs 8±2.1; p=0.02) and episodes of ketoacidosis (72±3.4 vs 5±1.7; p=0.01). These findings suggest a clear association between poor sleep quality and poorer glycaemic control.
In conclusion, this study highlights the significant role of sleep quality in managing T2D in geriatric patients. Poor sleep quality is associated with poorer glycaemic control and increased risk of severe complications. These findings suggest that sleep quality should be assessed in older adults with recently diagnosed T2D, and that interventions could potentially enhance glycaemic outcomes and overall quality of life. The authors note limitations of the study, including reliance on self-reported data and lack of diversity in the study population. Future research may involve larger, more diverse study populations, and comparisons with patients with longer term T2D.
Hussain N et al. The potential impact of habitual sleep quality on glycaemic control and inflammation: A study on geriatric patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Sleep Med X. 2025;DOI: 10.1016/j.sleepx.2025.100139.