The November Takeover - European Medical Journal

The November Takeover

4 Mins
General Healthcare

Written by Louise Chick  Product Development Administrator, European Medical Journal  @EMJ_Louise


Over the past year, Kim Cordell, our resident blogger, has been walking around the EMJ offices, notepad in one hand, pen in the other, asking members of the team to give her an insight into their daily life. But now, it’s time for the tables to turn.

I am Louise Chick, and I work alongside Kim in the Marketing department. We have sung Taylor Swift together whilst getting lost on the way to the Essex Business Awards, shared many chocolate-covered treats through manic publishing schedules, and kept our long-distance relationship going whilst Kim has attended congress across Europe, so I like to think I know her quite well. However, this blog is our opportunity to delve a little deeper as I ask Kim some questions about her role here at EMJ.


Q: As part of the marketing team at EMJ, can you give me a brief insight into a day in the life of a Product Development Administrator?

A: Part of what makes my role fun, is the fact that no 2 days will ever be the same in a week. I work with Louise in Marketing to make sure EMJ stands out from the crowd, and if you haven’t checked out our social media platforms, then what are you waiting for?! As a Product Development Administrator, I can be doing anything from scheduling content for our social media 1 day, to writing blogs the next. I research, and write, award entries for the company (did I mention we were finalists for ‘Best Use of Social Media’ at the Essex Business Awards?!), and occasionally jet-set around Europe to attend congress when required; it’s a tough life but someone’s got to do it!


Q: What is your favourite part of working at EMJ (apart from me of course)?

A: One of my favourite things about working at EMJ, alongside my Product Development family, is being able to project the EMJ ‘voice’ out across our social platforms to our ever-growing audience. Whilst social media is something that is synonymous with the role of Product Development Administrator, Louise and I have worked hard to build the online presence and personality of EMJ. We are quite lucky that we not only have the opportunity to do so, but that we are given the freedom to trial and implement new things in Marketing which will always help us push to be the best we can be. We are also given the opportunity to widen our knowledge, and undertake training if there is something we are interested in pursuing further within our field, which is always a good thing.


Q: You have recently attended multiple medical congresses across Europe; what has been your favourite part?

A: I absolutely love the congress experience! I’ve got the travel bug as it is, and can be a bit of a language nerd, so love nothing more than that moment when the airplane touches down in another country, and you become a part of the hustle and bustle of a different world from your own. Aside from attending congress abroad, I’m always in awe of the sheer effort that goes into making a congress happen, and get really excited when I walk into the exhibition hall, and see how much time and effort has gone into each and every stand. Some of them can be extremely innovative, and it is always a challenge to find which stand is giving the best coffee!

In case you hadn’t noticed already, I love to talk, so when I’m at congress, and have that opportunity to represent EMJ, and share our brand with healthcare professionals, I love it! The next time you attend a European congress, and know that EMJ will be there with a stand, come find us. I’ll be the one at the front of our stand with blonde, curly hair, smiling, and probably talking at you from a few metres away.


Q: You write multiple blogs for EMJ; do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to break through it?

A: To be honest, if you’re a writer and you don’t suffer from writer’s block, you must be some kind of wizard because I’m sure it happens to all of us at the best of times.  If you ever find yourself staring at a screen, and nothing comes to you, then walk away and focus on a different task. In my opinion, every writer has their own voice, and if you really want your writing to come from inside you, it needs to come naturally, and isn’t something that can be forced. It may take an hour, it may take a day, or it may take a week, but if you have that freedom of time, then focus on other tasks. Sometimes writer’s block can come from your environment, so find what works for you. If I’m in the office, I plug in my headphones, put on some drum and bass, focus on the paper, and let everything blur into the background, I know the words will come… but I also know that sounds like some people’s idea of hell!


Q: What advice do you have for aspiring bloggers?

A: If you are interested in getting into blogging, the best advice I can give is to be persistent, and practise, practise, practise. When I first started blogging for myself, I found a theme that tied my blogs together to ensure they all followed the same cohesive thread, and then was ruthless about trying to raise awareness of my blogs online. If I wrote a review of a new restaurant which had recently opened, I would message them and ask if they could post my blog on their social media (which usually they would). I networked, and I found the right contacts for me who could help me get a foot in the right door; which is exactly how I began writing regular articles for an online parenting platform when I was living in Asia.

I am lucky that I have been given the opportunity to write in my own voice for EMJ, and am able to give our readers an insight into life in the EMJ offices, so be persistent and you will reach your goal, I promise!

For my parting wisdom I would say: don’t let anyone mould you and your voice into what they want you to be. There are millions of different voices being cast across the social ocean, and if you try to stand out by doing what you do best, you are more likely to be heard than by being what others want you to be.

This month’s EMJ TalkTime has allowed a brief insight into the world of the lovely Kim Cordell’s work life. From attending congresses, to writing blogs like this one, she is a vital cog in the busy marketing department machine! So, when you next see her at a congress or on social media, you will be comforted to know that the smiley, curly-haired girl offering you an EMJ Cow is definitely the one to talk to.

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